Dear Reader,

Have you read Napoleon Hills book ‘Think and Grow Rich’? Whilst this exceptionally popular book was originally written over 80 years ago, the rules have not changed, the philosophy is the same as it was back in 1927. PERSISTENCE and DETERMINATION DOES PAY. Next week we will be instilling these qualities and habits into your DNA.

In adding “persistence and determination’ to this weeks ‘super growth,’ your commitment to you, and your business, will become unstoppable.

F.e.a.r. will become an illusion of the past, as the wheels gather momentum, you will know where you are, and exactly where you are going with added power and focus.

Once you get in and develop the habit of exercising your ‘Persistence and Determination muscles,’ they will become more automatic, an unconscious habit, just like riding a bike. On Wednesday the 7th, at 7pm, your Persistence and Determination NPR Transformation is happening. Never undervalue the value of Persistence, as we are seeing with the participants showing up every week, consistently, they are the ones getting the results. It does not matter where you start from in life, what matters, is that you do start, and get the wheels of life turning. Register by emailing

Last week I began a special Face Book page, specifically for Powerful Women. This is a rapidly growing community, simple because Women are being “Called from within” to step to step into their power, and be the change makers. They know it is time to live their truths, to reclaim their heart power, and follow their hearts with volition, power and passion, to help this world be a greater place.

If you feel called to join ‘The Powerful Women’ community, jump in and ‘like’ We are not forgetting about the men, at a later date we will be creating something very special for you. The Masculine and the Feminine are equally important, they just play different roles in the ‘game of life.’

‘Consistent Persistence, is the recipe for Certainty and Trust.’

Shivaya Reo


With an abundance of love and energy,



P.S. Register for 7th August now, email Your Transformational workshops are $50 each (or $80 for couples.)


“Like” “The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs”, and be a part of our growing family of Entrepreneurs.


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Shivaya Reo