Dear Reader,


What is your spiritual power? What does it look like to you, and what does it feel like? Many people manage to get glimpses of it, they feel it come and go just as quickly. The truth is, it is always there, but unfortunately, as a child you most likely were not taught how to tap into it, to channel it, to own it, or to be it! This is something I believe would be incredibly powerful if children learnt to Master their Power at school.



There is only ONE person you are ever really waiting for, and that is YOU, the REAL YOU! When we think we are always waiting for something or someone else, we are using that excuse as an avoidance strategy. Once you know it is you, you have all the power in the world, because you can get on with it, and not blame anyone else, you know it is up to you to be who ever you choose to be. You are taking your Power back!

I am sure you have seen the NZ Haka, at the very least on TV? Being a real Kiwi, I grew up with this at school. So now, when I watch the Haka before rugby on TV, it still empowers me, fires my energy within, and brings tears of reconnection and power to my eyes. There is more to that Haka than meets the eyes. On Wednesday the 7th August, at 7pm in South Perth, we will be igniting YOUR SPIRITUAL POWER, bringing greater awareness and Energy Management! ‘This is who you are waiting for, the REAL YOU, the Authentically Powerful YOU.’ This will be a very popular evening so grab your seat right now by emailing

Last week I began a special Face Book page, specifically for Powerful Women. This is a rapidly growing community, simple because Women are being “Called from within” to step to step into their divine power, and be the change makers. They know it is time to live their truths, to reclaim their heart power, and follow their hearts with volition, power and passion, to help and lead this world, to be a greater place.

If you feel called to join ‘The Powerful Women’ community, jump in and ‘like’ ThePowerfulWomensCommunity. We are not forgetting about the men, at a later date we will be creating something very special for you. The Masculine and the Feminine are equally important, they just play different roles in the ‘game of life.’

With an abundance of love to your powerful spirit,




P.S. Register for 7th August now, email Your Transformational workshops are $50 each (or $80 for couples.)

“Like” “The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs”, and be a part of our growing family of Entrepreneurs.


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Shivaya Reo