Dear reader,


Wed 24TH July, 7pm in South Perth

Wow, what a phenomenal shift in energy with last week’s attendees of ‘Emotional Intelligence.’ The incredible sense of presence, power and definiteness within you, was very humbling to see and feel, and to be a part of. I also congratulate you on your persistence in showing up every week, growing and therefore stepping up and raising your standards every week. You rock!

Those of you who attended, already know we are in for a ‘goodie,’ in tomorrow nights‘FEAR OF CHANGE’ – NPR TRANSFORMATION.

I spoke in last Thursday’s email, some of what FEAR really is. It is incredible, that we as human being’s, still allow f.e.a.r, to run and rule our lives and businesses. YOU are sooo much more than that! If you are coming along to ‘BUST your illusions of F.E.A.R,’register now, by emailing by return.

What has f.e.a.r. cost you in the past? And, if your keep doing what you have always done, what will f.e.a.r. cost you in the future? And, what are You, No longer, willing to put up with, no longer willing to tolerate? There comes a point(s) in our lives, when many of us stop, and say, ‘Enough is Enough,’ and change the way of Be-ing, and playing the ‘Game of Life.’ I ask you, ‘Who’s fears were you carrying anyway?’

Yes, It does take Courage to embrace your own truth, and step up, so be sure to surround yourself with En-Couraging people who help you to hold, maintain, and grow your power and energy. Next week we will addressing, and embracing GROWTH, including the deletion of stories and fears that may have stunted and smothered your growth in any area of your life or business.

“YES” to EnCouraging your super Courage and Growth.





P.S. Please bring your bottle of water and notebook for your weekly commitment steps. $50 each (Couples $80.) Ask about prices re introducing new participants.


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Shivaya Reo