Dear Reader,


Have you noticed the intensity of the energy lately?

The energy we have been experiencing of late, is significantly more powerful in assisting those who are consciously on their path to step into and own more of their ‘divine truth,’ their soul, their essence. It is guiding you live your own purpose. This is certainly showing up in a big way with my coaching clients. Your Soul is consistently urging you to listen to you heart, the home of your truth.

It takes courage and commitment, and self worth to do what it takes to purposefully live your own life path, to raise your vibration and step more into your authentic self. Fortunately, the rewards are life changing and worth more than a Kings ransom to you. There is certainly no way I could ever go back to being the person I was, or I thought I was, I love being on this journey of constant discovery of growing and evolving.

‘LIVING YOUR TRUTH’ N.P.R. Transformation
6.45pm TUES 17th September in South Perth.

Register now by emailing

By demand, we have the ‘Full Monte N.P.R. version’ again, so be prepared for some very Adult Language, and a very Big Energy Shift – they do go hand in hand in the NPR process. For those who have not experienced the ‘full monte,’ which is most of you, be prepared.

We’ll be identifying and clearing the beliefs and habits which are limiting you, holding you back, and sabotaging you from being your own truth, and from ‘walking your talk.’ Releasing the old conditioning and programming that keeps you stuck in a life of limitation and unnecessary discomfort. Your own truth is always waiting for you, it is your biggest ticket to freedom.

The NPR Transformation strategy, is the cutting edge ‘game changer,’ you have been looking for, be sure you are registered.

See you Tuesday,

With Love and Truth,




P.S. Investment is $50 each (Couples $80.) Ask about rewards re introducing new participants.

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Shivaya Reo