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About Shivaya Carolyne Reo

Entrepreneurial Flow Coach, Founder of NPR – Neural Pathway Rewiring, Wealth Dynamics Profiling Mentor
And Mother of Four Beautiful Daughters.

Fast & Powerful Life Empowering Changes

People find Shivaya Carolyne Reo, The Heart-Mind-Soul Mentor and Flow Coach for Entrepreneurs, because their road to their Personal Power and Personal Energy Mastery is blocked, depleted, overpowered or something is holding them back – even if they don’t realize what it actually is. Shivaya has developed the cutting edge strategy NPR – Neural Pathway Rewiring to fast track deep permanent life empowerment.

The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs, One to One Personal Coach

Over a lifetime dedicated to the discovery of what really works at a profound level when it comes to restoring natural health and happiness, Shivaya has developed a unique skill that draws on many recognized personal development and therapeutic techniques, without being limited to any of them. This allows her to tap into and transform the Root cause of any inner incongruences. She has developed a unique and powerful Neural Pathway Rewiring process, which rapidly brings more alchemy and depth to the profound healing alignment.

Extraordinary Intuition

Intuition, inner calling and higher purpose drives most major successful business decisions. And intuition is the only way to understand a whole human being. The truly extraordinary gift of Shivaya Carolyne Reo is the natural power and accuracy of her intuition tuning into the higher purpose, to realign to congruency and success. Working with your Innate is imperative for profound shifts in consciousness, naturally flowing into desired results.

Upcoming Seminars, Webinars & Coaching Programs

‘The Power of You’ through the  Power of  You VIP Monthly Membership

This Exclusive Power Of You Life Transforming Monthly Membership includes Laser Focuses to transform all areas of your life, beginning from the power of who you truly  are within.  Follow Shivaya Carolyne Reo, as she takes you step by step to uncover the closely guarded secrets of what it really takes to take FULL OWNERSHIP of THE POWER OF YOU, of YOUR LOVE in each area of your life and dreams.  Igniting more love, passion, and connection in your life, business, and relationships.

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Heart Awakening & DNA Activations

The Heart Awakening & DNA Activation Video and Universally aligned monthly Goals help you to connect to more of who you really are, more of your divine truth. This goes way beyond your conscious mind and ego, connecting with your nervous system on an energetic level to the medulla oblongata, which
then sends messages to the rest of the body. Overall, the Activation helps in bringing more light into the unhealed parts of you, that require healing or transforming, like turning your lights on within to your potential. The result is different for everyone, I have seen amazing miracles with some participants, and it is our wish, that is the case for you. Get ready to get used to the new confident radiant You, from within to without!

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Neural Pathway Rewiring (NPR) Monthly Audio Transformations

N.P.R. Neural Pathway Rewiring, or rewiring the brain, is a powerful and rapid technique for shifting old subconscious compounded mind programs, behaviours and habits (which have been trapped and buried in your Subconscious Mind) quickly and effectively from the Root Cause aligning you to your Soul Purpose.Our exclusive N.P.R Audios focus deeply on each of the chosen monthly topics, assisting you to get the powerful shift in consciousness, the soul level shift that you need. You will have first-hand knowledge and experience as you personally go through the processes daily, allowing you, to implement and embrace the tools and techniques during the audio healing. You will be guided every step of the way.

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