Dear Reader,


6.45pm TUES 1st October.

If your ‘Divine Will’ is more Powerful than your Mind at manifesting what you want, how much more potent would it be if you added absolute ‘Certainty’ to your outcome?

Last week we highlighted ‘Your Divine Will,’ the major leap toward consciously and unconsciously CREATING CERTAINTY in the areas of your life that matter most to you. When you create certainty, you know you will get the outcome you are choosing, just as we know in Perth, that the sun will shine again.

You will hear me saying again and again, you must choose your own outcome with definiteness, employing your Divine Will, not just ‘a hoping and a wishing’ it might happen. CERTAINTY is the natural flow on from Divine Will, so that next Tuesdays Transformation.

The more aligned you are to living your own truth, listening and following your heart and walking your talk, the easier this will become. We are consciously creating these new habits as we are evolving and nurturing them in the evening workshops; this is consciously creating the life of your dreams on your terms.

You will often hear people say ‘I just leave it up to the Universe,’ and they wonder why they move very slowly, if at all, and are continually being served curve balls or self-sabotage. You are the master of your destiny, and you don’t have the time to wait for everyone else to learn how to tie his or her shoelaces up. So if you know what you want, buckle up and go for it: it’s YOUR LIFE you are creating, so YOU CREATE IT.

When we leave it up the Universe, we leave ourselves wide open to be ‘victims of circumstances.’ The secret is to choose your own definite outcome, and then invite the Universe (what ever that means to you) to show you ‘how’ to attract and create it, and take action.

Register by emailing

Creating Certainty,



P.S. Please note the workshop evening has been changed to Tuesday. Register for Tues 1st October now, email
Your Transformational workshops are $50 each (or $80 for couples.)

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