Dear Reader,

I am sure you have heard of ‘cause and effect’ before?  No matter what you do in life (that’s cause), there is always an effect (outcome.) We see this in every area of life.  As human beings, we are ‘meaning making creatures,’ and more often than not, we make things mean something from our own perspective, (which may seem like barking up the wrong tree for others,) highlighting the importance of taking ownership of your Emotional Intelligence, and understanding the real truth.

Your EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE N.P.R. TRANSFORMATION is on Wednesday the 17th at 7pm in South Perth. To register, email It is when we Finally decide to step up and fully take responsibility for our actions and reactions in life, that we really start to create greater flow, trust and certainty. Do you know how much power you actually have in choosing your reactions? Old habits and disempowering strategies can have you shooting from the hip without ever seeing what is really going on.

‘You are the Master of Your Own Destiny.’ You are where you are right now, because, at some level you have created it, very often unconsciously. It is when you step into Consciously Creating your life, choosing what you really have a burning desire for and acting on it, that the magic really starts to happen.

The whole meaning of taking ‘responsibility’ changes from playing the victim, to being more fun and is much more empowering, with the realisation that you have so much more free choice in life. It is true, the more responsibility you take in your own life (not someone else’s life,) the more fun you have, because you have chosen it, consciously created it and acted on it.

The Bottom Line is: “When you own your Emotional Intelligence, you own your responsibility, you own your actions, you own your outcomes, and you own your responses, IN FACT,  YOU OWN WHO YOU ARE AND YOUR OWN LIFE.

Saying YES to your emotional balance and harmony, through emotional intelligence.

With an abundance of love,


P.S. Please bring a bottle of water, and journal to commit your 3 action steps in the following 24 hours. Space is always very limited, so please do register by return, by emailing with your details. Feel free to share this email with any of your friends who may be interested. The Transformational workshop is $50 per person.

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Shivaya Reo