Dear Reader,

There is nothing more inevitable in life, than CHANGE. Every breath we take, we are creating change, yet, the resistance to change, consistently keeps many living in the past and never realising their deepest desires. This is a crying shame, when we know, and see so much potential out there, that is never ever ‘real’ised. Do you carry one of these stories?

I spoke last week about emotional intelligence, about you being the Master of your own Destiny.  Knowing that, what would happen if you chose to be more conscious, before reacting or responding? What would happen if you consciously changed your reaction strategy? As soon as you see FEAR for what it really is, it looses the power, and YOU take your power back.

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past,

If you are anxious, you are living in the future,

If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” Lau Tzu

Is your Fear keeping you in the past or in the future? I am sure you have heard these explanations of:

F.E.A.R =
False Evidence Appearing Real, or
F*@? Everything And Run

If you are now ready to live in the Present (the gift,) the now, register by return for your“FEAR OF CHANGE” – NPR TRANSFORMATION, on Wed 24th July, 7pm in South Perth to take charge of your life, by emailing I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, “Persistence and Consistency Always Pay.” Come along every week, consistently, as we are aligning you to your real truth, and kissing goodbye to your false mask – Fears and excuses, for not fully Be-ing the Greatness that you really are.

I shared a great message that came through Face Book this week, which showed a dish with loose change in it, with the words:

“If you Fear Change, Leave Your’s here.”

In truth, if we do not make the changes we desire, this is exactly what we are doing. Have you ever been guilty of this? Check it out on my “The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs” page, and share it to keep as a gentle reminder, that it really is very easy.

Saying YES to Em-powering your Courage, to consistently BE, all that you are.


With an abundance of love,



P.S. P.S. Please bring a bottle of water, and journal to commit your 3 action steps in the following 24 hours. Space is always very limited, so please do register by return, by emailing with your details. Feel free to share this email with any of your friends who may be interested. Your Transformational workshops are $50 each (or $80 for couples.)

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Shivaya Reo