Dear Reader,

Is love something that is important to you?
Is it something that you value?
Or, does it cause too much pain and emotional turmoil in your life?
Or, has it been illusive in your life?
What would life be without love?

In understanding and fully grasping The Power Of Love, you begin to understand the Essence of Who You Really are. In fact, you not only understand it, you begin to really feel it, to live it, to BEE it! You begin to own a whole new untapped power within you, which you have previously been unable to access.

Book now for Sunday:

You have heard the word “You are powerful beyond measure,” and “It is not your shadow your are afraid of, it is your light.” You see, there is so much more to you can you can ever imagine, and we are in a time when more and more people are awakening to their divine power within, and taking ownership to live a more authentically powerful loving life.

Some of your expected outcomes of living in this new but more real way are;
You become more honest and direct with yourself and others.
You become the conscious Director of your life
You feel rich and fulfilled in your heart centre, in your chest, as if you are in love – this becomes a more natural state of being.
People around you seem to change and you have more harmony in your family business etc.
You are more proactive and heart driven, you trust yourself an follow your heart more.
You feel more purposeful, your passion awakens, and the list goes on and on……. The green lights in your life come on…. You step into an easy and natural flow.

Is it your time?

You will stop looking on the outside for what can only be found within – the power of authentic love. Dysfunctional relationships will become a ‘thing’ of the past. You will have a completely new understanding of what Love Has Got to do with it!

Love is the Essence of who you really are.

With love and gratitude,


P.S. This is your chance to experience The Power Of Love Awakening this Sunday in Subiaco. We would love to have you come and join us for this enriching and empowering day, as you are nurturing your Soul:

P.S.S. Our Next DNA Day is the 12th July

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