Dear Reader,

How do you resolve old limiting programming, beliefs and thinking?

Do you have a strategy to help you to move from a stuck and disempowered state in to a powerfully inspirational state?

Many years ago during one of those ‘critical events,’ I found myself in a very vulnerable disempowered space, struggling to get through from one day to the next. Do you know that gut wrenching state I am talking about? It was not a comfortable space at all, in fact all I wanted, was to run and be out of there, know the feeling?

It was through my pain of yester year, that I was guided to develop the paradigm shifting process of N.P.R. (Neural Pathway Rewiring,) simply because I could not find the help I needed at the time, to get me through to the other-side with a happy smiling face. In fact, I had no idea that there was even a way (process) that could help me so profoundly and permanently.

Now this process has grown and evolved over the years, to where it is now. As the Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs, it is this process; along with my trust, and my incredibly high intuition, that has created my success with my high level clients. This is what they need from me, to help them to play the much bigger game that they are here for. There is no doubt, that this is a cutting edge strategy.

At The Power Of Love Awakening on the Gold Coast this weekend, and Perth the following weekend, you will have the opportunity to experience an in-depth Love Life Transformation in All that Love truly is, in your life, with N.P.R. (Neural Pathway Rewiring.)  It is a no-brainer offer, so click the link below and check it out.

I will be on the Gold Coast for a short week this time, before heading straight back to Perth.

The Power of Love Awakening
Gold Coast Sun 8th June, & Perth Sat 14th June.

And a reminder:

D.N.A. & Heart Activation 7th June (Charity Note Donation)
Gold Coast:

Be sure to have booked your seats for The Power of Love Awakening and the DNA & Heart Activation events asap.

To the Power Of YOUR Love,


P.S. Please note, booking is essential:

The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs on FB 




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Shivaya Reo