Dear Reader,

Your DNA is Your Blue Print

Until recently, it was believed by science that our D.N.A. (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) could not be changed – that we were stuck with it whether we liked it or not. Nearly every cell in a human body has the same DNA, or genetic code.

The good news is, that Science has now proven that in fact you can change your D.N.A! How this affects forensic testing I have no idea! That is certainly well and truly out of my area.

When I work with my clients, I am very aware that we are working at this level, and certainly aware that we are changing the genetic coding or programming. This is also evident in the results.

Our Charity DNA & Heart Activation Day last Saturday was an extremely busy day, as we witnessed many beautiful shifts in consciousness throughout the day. If you were there, and have a story to share with our readers, to help them to grasp the concept by your outcome, please let us know, as we would love to share what is appropriate for both you and the readers.

You may enjoy this very simplified youtube video on the DNA: 

You, are in charge of your mind.
Your mind, is in charge of your DNA.
And your DNA, is in charge of what happens to your body.
Equates to the conclusion that you already know, your mind is very powerful, so take charge of it so you can take charge of your life.

Saying that, working with the mind at the cellular level, will domino through to your body. I hope that has given you some simple understanding, and that you can now realise that you have the potential power to change your blue print, your DNA through choice followed by action.

Our next Charity DNA & Heart Activation Day is later this month, on Saturday 31st May, Cost is Donation (note).

Book your 30 mins:

With Love & Gratitude,


P.S. Share with your friends, and come along and join us in Subiaco, Perth, for your DNA & Heart Activation,

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Shivaya Reo