Dear Reader,

Raising Your Vibration

The Mastery of your game in life can be hugely supported and enhanced, by the Mastery of your Energy, through consciously raising your vibration.

 Sound too technical?

 You should know me by now, if it is too technical you will find me running for cover. ‘Techie’ is definitely not my forte, however, Energy is a completely different thing.

 This is why we offer the DNA & Heart Activation to the local community, as our way of giving back to the community, by giving the Donations to local Charities. This month the donations are going to the Cancer Support W.A. in Cottesloe. At this stage, this event is only in Perth, though we are looking at creating something for everyone else.

 When we heal our bodies, we raise our vibration, when we grow and evolve personally, relationship-wise, in Business etc, we are raising our vibration to do so, to play a bigger game. You know it, because you feel it, you feel great!

 Book here:

 Please feel free to share with your friends, many of the participants come back to this monthly event EVERY MONTH! That just goes to show how much value they get out of it, and you can to. Make sure you book your –

 30 min timeslot:

 With Love & Gratitude,


P.S. Come and join us in Subiaco, Perth, for your DNA & Heart Activation,

 Join “The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs“, and be a part of our growing community of Entrepreneurs.

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Shivaya Reo