Dear Reader,

Wed 7TH AUG, 7pm in South Perth

When is enough, enough? Too often throughout our lives, we give our power away to others through actions, reactions, ego power play, manipulations, abuse, including sexual abuse, shame, judgment, playing out the victim to a critical event in the past, etc etc which in turn is keeping you a prisoner in the now. Unfortunately this blocks your Spiritual Power, it blocks your heart, it blocks your truth, it blocks the real you, and causes depression, suppression, anxiety etc.

As you learn to embrace and work with your spiritual power, take your power back, and master your energy, it is so much easier to back yourself, and BE your own truth.  It also helps to be in touch with your feelings when you consciously reclaim this powerful energy.  Last weeks group got a little taste of what SPIRITUAL POWER feels like, you can expect much more this week as you step right into it, and claim yours. Register now by emailing for Your SPIRITUAL POWER REACTIVATION, tomorrow night, at 7pm in South Perth.

This is Who, you have waiting your whole life for, the Power that is YOU!

Check out what I wrote on The Powerful Women FB page, on Sexual Abuse:

Clearing and transforming past sexual abuse, is an incredibly powerful way of reclaiming Spiritual Power, taking the power back from the abuser, regardless of how many years have slipped by of hiding and protecting the abuser by your silence.

Does your Business have ‘Spirit’ in it? Does it have a heart? Does your business need more energy and flow? This comes from YOU, the role model, the business owner, if your energy is blocked, then expect that stagnant energy to infiltrate into every area of your life.

‘Give yourself permission to be the REAL YOU, by reclaiming Your Spiritual Power.’ Shivaya Reo

“YES” to Re-Activating Your Spiritual Power, all power to you.




P.S. Please bring your bottle of water and notebook for your weekly commitment steps. $50 each (Couples $80.) Ask about prices re introducing new participants.

“Like” “The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs”, to connect with us on FB
and… Especially for Women ThePowerfulWomensCommunity


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Shivaya Reo