Dear Readers,

SOUL MATE LOVE ATTRACTION 1 – Monday 24th June 7pm

Being The Flow Coach for Entrepreneurs, I am continually meeting beautiful single people, who would love to be in a loving and enriching relationship.  The trouble is, most people do not know or even Decide what that ideal relationship would be like, and tend to either settle for second best, are still kissing frogs, or are still on their own feeling lonely.

On Monday evening I will be running a “NPR SOUL MATE LOVE ATTRACTIONTransformation” in South Perth especially for you to align with, and clear unconscious fears and blocks which may be preventing you from being with the love of your life.

I will be helping you to Decide and know what you really want, understand your important values, and OWN your NOT Negotiables. We will be working with both the conscious and unconscious minds to set your relationship radar with clarity and definite intent. If you do not live in Perth, start to at least create the above, and in time I plan to have audio downloads available

Please bring a bottle of water, and journal or Gratitude notebook to commit your findings in writing as you open for the love of your life and the connection that you truly desire. Cost is $50 each and space is very limited, so please take action and register by return by emailing with your details. Please share this email with any of your friends whom you know deserve ultimate love.

Saying YES to your Love and attraction,



P.S. A reminder for 7pm Wednesday the 26th  “CREATIVITY AWAKENING” NPR TRANSFORMATION to open your Creativity and inspiration. Registration is essential.

P.P.S.  To register for your “NPR SOUL MATE LOVE ATTRACTION Transformation” in South Perth on Monday 24th, please email by return.

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Shivaya Reo