Dear Reader,

It is now time to put your Committed Decisions into ACTION.  The energy with the participants who attended Wednesdays ‘Commitment’ session was awesome.  Congratulations for playing full out, 100% in fact.  You can always expect great results when you play at that level. It shows you are more than ready for your Action button to be activated.

Tomorrow evening we will be Igniting your ACTION mojo. This is the 3rd step of your Success Formula, then, it will be time for you to reap your rewards and celebrate your successes. As we travel through the weeks, we will be continuing to align your conscious and unconscious minds to work as a team for you, rather than in opposition, which is more often the case, otherwise known as self-sabotage.

The biggest ingredient missing from the movie, ‘The Secret,’ was ACTION, thinking things will magically appear or just happen. If it is to be, it is up to you, so take action now. Registration is essential, email details to


On Monday the 24th June, 7pm in South Perth, I will be facilitating a special NPR Neural Pathway Rewiring “SOUL MATE ATTRACTION” Transformation with a difference, especially for those who wish to align and attract your Soul Mate.  So, if you have had enough of being on your own, or kissing frogs, this could be especially for you. Cost is $50 each.

To register, email by return to with your details. Booking is essential, as there is very limited space, so please do book early to avoid disappointment.

Saying a massive “YES” to ACTIONING your Decisions and to LOVE ATTRACTION.



P.S. Register for tomorrows, 19th June 2013  “NPR ACTION Transformation,” with your details, to receive a 2 for 1 deal (2 for $57.) This special intro price is only until the end of June. Please remember to bring a bottle of water.

P.S. LOVE – SOUL MATE ATTRACTION Monday 24th June $50 each.

P.S. Next Wednesday’s topic is “CREATIVITY,” enabling you to open and expand your creativity and inspiration. Tap into the infinite source of inspiration to be inspiring.

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Shivaya Reo