Dear Reader
“Definite DECISIONS with a dose of Definite COMMITTMENT  stirred with Massive ACTION is your natural SUCCESS Formula.” –Shivaya Reo

What definite decisions did you identify last week do you have decided to Commit to, in order to achieve the outcome you so dearly want?

Some of the topics that you will naturally get a helping hand with today,  (the 8th of June) and over the next few days are; Motion and Activity, Learning, Communication Skills, Logic and Cleverness, Social Ease, Positive daily interactions and Calming any mental anxiety.

So be sure to include some of these in your desires, they are for all areas of your life. For today’s  ‘Self Mastery Goals,’ please go to my blog: to make your own choices.

How did you go with listening to your self-talk last week? Did you take note of hearing what you say when you make a decision? This week the focus is to Decide to COMMITto your Decisions, being fully COMMITTED to achieving your chosen outcome.

Next Wednesday we will be running a “N.P.R. COMMITTMENT Transformation” evening in South Perth. See below for details. The most successful Entrepreneurs, make their Decisions very Quickly, and change them slowly, as they are COMMITTEDto their own success. Their 3 Step Strategy is; Step 1. Decide, Step 2 Commit, and for Step 3, tune in next week.

Saying YES, to being fully COMMITTED to your Decisions,




P.S.  We have a 2 for 1 offer for the next couple of weeks ‘N.P.R. YOUR COMMITMENT TRANSFORMATION,’ on Wed 12TH JUNE, at 7pm in South PERTH. Normally $57 each. Register by emailing  with your details by return.

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Shivaya Reo