Dear Reader,

What Decisions have you been avoiding making and committing to in your business, your relationships, and other areas of your life? What has it already cost you to sit on the fence, and not step up and make these definite decisions? Tomorrow we will be bringing your Inner Decision Maker out, to create more action and success and love for you.

Are you ready for him/her? The following 2 weeks topics will be Commitment and Action. The purpose of these 3 topics following one another, is because, it is a simple strategy. First you make a definite Decision, then, Commit to it, and follow with taking massiveAction. You will then notice a profound difference in all of these areas, moving forward, you will have raised your standards and become more consistent with your desired results.

Your business wants to serve you, your loved ones and your legacy, so you owe it to your business to be in command, be the Director. Can you imagine what a ship would be like without a rudder? You are the rudder for your business; it is always looking for your direction, guidance, your authority.

Remember, success comes from making definite decisions, committing to them and taking the right action, consistently. Be persistent and aim toward being the top 2% of the world starting with your decisiveness.  Own the power of your inner definite decision maker.

Tomorrow evenings massive paradigm shifting is “Definite Decisive Decisions” through “N.P.R. – (Neural Pathway Rewiring) Transformation.” Give your business (your vehicle,) a treat and come along to South Perth to totally transform the way you make decisions.

Saying a huge “YES” to your inner decision makers transformation,




P.S. Register for tomorrows, 5th June 2013  “NPR Definite Decisive Decision Transformation,” email with your details, to receive a 2 for 1 deal (2 for $57.) Please remember to bring a bottle of water.

P.S. Next Weeks topic is “Commitment,” enabling you to definitely commit to those decisions.

P.P.S. If you have not already downloaded the PASSION FILTER CHECK LIST, you can grab one here: and please feel free to share the link with your friends – it’s free.

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Shivaya Reo