Dear  Reader,

What Decisions have you decided that you are totally, and definitely committed to achieving? And, now the Big Big question, are you fully committed, like committed from both your heart and your soul level? If you are, then this is a true indication of just how likely you are to achieve your desired outcome.

Tomorrow evening we will be adding a V10 injection of Commitment into your Definite Decisions you chose to commit to last week.  Can you imagine what will happen when you add Definite Decisive energy and Commitment together. From where I sit, that is already looking like a pretty potent combination.

This will put you into the middle of the 3 step success strategy we spoke about last week, “Decide – Commit – Act,” packed with a good dose of energy.  In adopting this strategy, both psychologically and physically, there is only one way, and that is going directly to your chosen outcome, with the side effect of naturally raising both your vibration and your standards. Sound good??

Are you are getting to grips with taking ownership with being the rudder of your own business and life? Being the Director? Being the Leader? Being the Commander? Being the Captain of the Ship? Is it starting to sound easier that you previously thought?

Knowing that success comes from making definite decisions, committing to them and taking the right action, consistently, take some time right now to decide what else you are committed to achieving. It is also very important to know ‘why.’ Why are you choosing the outcome that you want?

Are you joining us for tomorrow evenings “Definite COMMITMENT” through “N.P.R. – (Neural Pathway Rewiring) Transformation?” It takes courage to be committed, and you will only be fully committed to your chosen outcome when you really value yourself, your life, your loved ones and the difference you are here to make.

Saying a massive “YES” to stepping up your Value and Truth to be committed to what ever you choose in your own life.

Passionately and whole heartedly,



P.S. Register for tomorrows, 12th June 2013  “NPR Definite COMMITTMENT Transformation,” email with your details, to receive a 2 for 1 deal (2 for $57.) This special intro price is only until the end of June. Please remember to bring a bottle of water.

P.S. Next Weeks topic is “ACTION,” enabling you to take massive Action on the Decisions you are fully committed too.

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Shivaya Reo