Have you ever experienced Sabotage?

I am sure you know just what I am talking about and I am sure we have all had a taste of it More than Once. Is that true for you?

Well, I will be honest, and admit I have been on the whipping end of it more times than I choose to remember.

The thing is, when we are going through these ‘episodes’ we are often unaware of what we need to do to turn it around, or unaware of the power we have within us to totally change the pesky Sabotage Habit!

Yes, you did hear it right, I did say habit. At the end of the day that is all it is, A Sub-Conscious Habit – an inner program – a conditioning – a stuck program going around and around like a cracked record (you remember what they are do you?). Do you get the feeling?

The thing is, if you knew how to change that record, that program, would you do it? To reprogram or retrain the mind?

Believe it or not, we all have that opportunity every day, yet most, are so conditioned into the old painful way, that they do not take the time or energy to totally change it. I know how long it took me to take charge. Now, I suspect, that if I knew what a massive change it would make to my life, maybe I would have done it earlier, I would like to think I would have, because it is an absolute No-Brainer!

I am delighted with the way the current Power of Love 99 day boot camp Group are taking the bull by the horns and ‘just doing it.’ The thing is, when we finally decide that ‘enough is enough,’ we are more inclined to look for a new way, and ‘just take action,’ just like this new group is doing. They are consciously re-aligning their mind to who they want to be, and what they are choosing to create in their lives, to Be their Authentic Selves. They are over being any form of Victim of Circumstances.

“We always have free choice, it is just most of us do not choose.” Shivaya Reo

I have some FunPlay for you; start to listen to your mind, you know, that thing that can lead you way off course. Listen to your inner language, and start to change the way you think. Even a tiny tweak like this, will make a difference.

A Reminder; If you would like to be a part of bringing the DNA & Heart Activation Charity afternoons to your area, please contact me.

To The Power Of Your Own Love,

Shivaya Reo

P.S. The next Charity DNA & Heart Activations in Perth are; 18th October and 22nd November from 12 Noon to 4pm. Check out the Events on the website www.shivayareo.com 

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