Dear Reader,

Do you Own Your Values, Standards and Deal Breakers?

Are you a push over?
Do you let people walk all over you?
You will only ever ‘be dealt’ what you are prepared to tolerate.

We spoke a little about Boundaries last week to get you thinking about yours, and perhaps start to notice how others manage their boundaries, or not, as the case more often is. If you have weak boundaries, at the end of the day, you will have little or no energy left for YOU.

Those with weak boundaries are only weak because if the values and deal breakers are not set firmly in place. There is no identified filtering system, no strategy to respect and honour, a little like a loose cannon.

Come on a little journey with me, just imagine ……

If ‘No’ now really meant No, and ‘Yes’ now really meant Yes; you have strong Values and Standards identified and anchored in who you really are; you were fully committed to your own life and success; and you honoured your word to yourself, followed through that is…..

How would your life be? Hard or Easy? Would you feel supported? Would you be inspired to make an even greater difference and have fun creating your successes? Would you feel happy?

What is it that stops you from having boundaries, let alone honouring them?


1. N.P.R. Monthly Program – 2 Monday evenings per month
Neural Pathway Rewiring Sessions ($95 a month)

Boundaries: Monday 30th 6.30pm, in South Perth.
If it is Time for you to fully own Your Own Energy?
To register for this Monthly Program, Email: by return, as we currently have very limited space for these transformations.

2. THE POWER OF YOUR LOVE  – 99 DAY Coaching Program

In Perth commencing on the 18th August 2014
Booking Link:

3. D.N.A. & HEART Activations

Perth 12th – July – 10am to 4pm
Booking Link:

Gold Coast – 19th July – 10am – 4pm
Booking Link:

Booking Link: Coming soon….

4. SELF MASTERY GOALS for Friday 27th June
Topics are home and family, safety, intimacy, growing, feelings, nurturing etc

Goal Link:

Have a fabulous week creating the life of your own dreams, and let me know asap if you are choosing to join the NPR weekly program from this Monday.

To The Power Of Your Love,


P.S. Early booking is essential for the N.P.R. Monthly program, email by return…..
And the Life Game Changer you have only ever dreamt was possible – your link is: 

Join The Power Of Love on FB: 

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“The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs”

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Shivaya Reo