For your definite decision to follow your heart Book Here: http://www.shivayareo.com/thepoweroflove

Your Self Mastery Goals From Monday 25th August 2014 10.13PM Western Australian Time

Time Converter: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html


Scroll to bottom of page for instructions


  • Physical Health/diet/exercise
  • Work/Job
  • Efficient Organisation
  • Clear discrimination
  • Helpfulness
  • Order
  • Relaxing Perfectionism

Choose up to 10 of the following, or similar wishes of your choice; In choosing, be sure that you truly desire the outcome you are wishing, And, be open as the opportunities appear from there on, as they will, won’t they? Trust to Receive.

Diet, Exercise, Establishing good health habits, Weight control, Healing, Healers (nurses, doctors, chiropractors, etc.):

  • I am easily attracting and consuming only those foods that are low in fat, low calories, and healthy for my body and inner passion.
  • I am easily and naturally finding myself doing ____ (aerobic/yoga/weight lifting/etc.) exercises for a minimum of ____ hours a day, ____ days a week.
  • The past addiction to ____ (sugar, cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, etc.) has easily lifted from me enabling me to more fully live in my own passion.
  • I am easily establishing my healthy weight of ____ kilo’s in a honouring and respecting the beautifying for my body.
  • I am easily and naturally establishing routines and strategies that are leading to my own vibrant passionate health. All past feelings of inadequacy relative to my health and wellbeing have totally lifted from me.
  • I am easily attracting, recognising, and working with healers and coaches who are successfully helping me to restore my body and mind to perfect health and vitality.
  • I am easily attracting, recognising and taking the right foods, herbs, vitamins, and minerals that are restoring my body and mind to perfect health and vitality.

Jobs, Work Projects, Tasks & Errands, Co-workers, Structured routines:

  • I am easily attracting, recognising and working in my passion at the right job/business for me.
  • I am easily finding myself completing my work projects with ease, flow and maximum efficiency.
  • I am filled with healthy self-confidence in every area of my job/career/business.
  • I am easily finding myself adopting an empowering attitude that is allowing me to enjoy my passion.
  • I am easily finding myself creating a routine that is giving me plenty of time for work, play, time with my family, and ____.
  • I am easily encouraging myself to easily work smart doing what I really love.
  • I am easily finding myself replacing daydreaming with productive action giving me the results I envision.
  • I am consistently being pro-active with all tasks and errands to move me forward easily with grace.
  • I am easily finding myself saying the right words to my co-workers which is building mutual respect, support, cooperation, and ____.

Orderly environments, Handling details, Efficiency in planning, Paperwork, Punctuality:

  • I am easily and naturally creating neatness and order in my home.
  • I am easily and naturally paying my bills with gratitude on the ____ day of each month.
  • I am easily and naturally organising my paperwork – completing all filing and throwing away what I no longer require.
  • I am easily and naturally being punctual, always on time.
  • I am easily and naturally restoring my environment to order on a daily basis.
  • I am now easily and automatically ‘cleaning up the mess. My clear planning is empowering me as I am successfully reaching my goal of ____.

Analysis, Critical thinking, Focus, Discernment:

  • I am easily and naturally analysing the problem of ____ in a way that is producing happy results.
  • I am easily attracting clarity in my thinking relating to ____.
  • I am easily finding myself accurately discerning what is important to me and what is not.
  • I am easily and naturally effectively responding to external crisis with clarity, peace of mind and action”
  • I am easily and naturally focusing on, and appreciating the opportunities that are being offered to me.
  • I am easily and naturally consistently focusing on the here and now moment, using it to make my dreams become my reality.”

Willingness to adapt, Practical helpfulness, Purity of Intent, Conscientiousness:

  • I am open and receptive to the good luck flowing into every area of my life.
  • I behave in a gallant manner with those who need my help.
  • I have easy friendly relationships with authentic people.
  • I am filled with confidence in the positive outcome of events.
  • I solidly believe from deep within, that there is always a positive way out of any situation.
  • I am openly experiencing the joy of generosity fulfilling me.
  • I have a deep inner faith that a positive higher power is involved in supporting every aspect of my life.
  • I am openly receptive to good luck and good fortune entering every area of my life.

Desire for perfection, Processing, Bringing order out of chaos, The ability to see how the pieces fit:

  • I am easily and naturally being aware of – and accepting of – good fortune as it is comes to me.
  • I am easily and naturally focusing on what is RIGHT in my life, which is attracting even more of what is RIGHT for me.
  • I am easily and naturally ‘taking hold’ –seeing and following practical action in the issue of ____.
  • I am easily and naturally processing my relationship with ____ in a way that is leading to a total healing for me.
  • I am clearly seeing the situation with ____ in a way that is allowing me to bring clarity and order out of the chaos.
  • I have accurate clarity in seeing ‘how the pieces fit’ in the situation of ____.
  • I am easily and naturally focusing on the positive results I am choosing to create in the situation of ____.

Worry, Criticism, Blame and Judgment, Workaholic tendencies:

  • All past self-defeating tendencies to perfectionism have been easily lifted from me.
  • My mind is relaxed now that I have released all obsessive unnecessary worry tendencies.
  • I am now standing free, and discerning with total unconditional acceptance of others models of their world as being their choice and their way.
  • I now totally accept others as being who they are in the here and now.
  • My mind is now naturally in the habit of being positive, using encouraging language consistently.
  • I have total acceptance of others being right in their own model of their world, as being right for them.
  • I easily take full responsibility for all of my actions and reactions in every area of my life.
  • I am now easily living a balanced happy fulfilled and rewarding passionate life in gratitude.

Bowels & Intestines, Constipation & Diarrhoea, Digestion and assimilation, Solar plexus:

  • The total healing of ____ (above body area) is occurring now.
  • I am easily attracting, recognising and working with the right healers which is now restoring my ____ (above body area) to perfect health.
  • I am now attracting the right information which is leading to a total healing of my tendency to ____ (above body area).
  • I am easily finding myself taking the right action, which is successfully restoring my ____ (above body area) to perfect health and beauty.


  • 1. Always write your Goals by hand within 8 hours of the time specified above time (i.e. time as above.) Wishes can be made up to 48 hours, though for best results do within the 8hr period.
  • 2. Choose and write up to 10 wishes, date and keep your list. You may choose several on the same topic.
  • 3. Do Not make wishes for other people; you can make them for shifting your approach to others.

What does that mean? Well, it means that from the time above, any goals or focus you put on the topics above is being supported by the greater universal cycles. You have heard of planting or fishing by the moon haven’t you? Well it is just like that. To greatly improve your chances of achieving your goals, please follow the instructions above. Be sure that what you choose is what is really important to YOU, and have fun.

So, until next month, wishing you a magical month, To the Power Of Your Love,
Have Fun and Enjoy Creating and Attracting Good Luck into your life!
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