Dear Reader,

The Power of Love

What does the word ‘LOVE’ actually mean to You?

Is it flowing abundantly in all areas of your life?

Love is a vibration, it is a feeling, a beautiful ever-flowing energy, if the heart chakra is open and trusting.  In a healthy intimate relationship, it has a particular feeling, the first time you hold your new born child brings another feeling, likewise with your best friends, family, business colleagues etc.

We will be introducing The Power of Love, (FREE for the first 30 people to register) on the evening of Tuesday the 1st April in Perth (a 2 hour mini love transformation)

What if we were Love, what if this was ‘who you really are?’

Would you not want to introduce more Love and intimacy into your relationship, or introduce Love & Passion into your Business?  Lets face it, a Business without Love & Passion is just a job, and a Relationship without Love & Intimacy is just being flat mates.  It is not something you would want to leap out of bed for every morning is it?  Has your Business lost it’s passion, it’s heart centre?

‘Love is an inside job,’ once you have the courage to master Love within yourself, it is a whole lot easier to bring it into other areas of your life with simple strategies. And just like you hopefully service your car regularly, your heart centre needs regular servicing and maintenance to help you to release any resentment and FEAR that is blocking the flow of Love.

To register for your mini love transformation, Book now by emailing us at with your details.  Remember, there are only 30 seats available.

I am blessed to have just completed facilitating a 6 week, Love Connection Coaching program. The mind-blowing shifts in consciousness the participants went through was a true privilege to witness. In fact, never in the entire time of learning, training and working in this field (that’s over 25 years) have I ever witnessed such profound growth in such a short space of time.

Yes, Love is powerful, when it is flowing abundantly in your life.

With love and gratitude,


P.S. Register NOW for your free mini Love Transformation on the 1st April 6.30pm, opening ‘The Power of Love.’


P.S.S. You can check out our next 6 week Coaching program now for the early bird;

“Like” “The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs”, and be a part of our growing family of Entrepreneurs.

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Shivaya Reo