Dear Reader,

The Love Connection


Take a few long relaxing breaths, and come on a little journey with me…… and imagine……..

If your relationships were driven from your Love, directly from your heart centre.

What would it feel like?

What would it look like?

What would it sound like?

What would happen to your relationships?

And…. What would you attract into your life?

Spend a few minutes opening and expanding your heart, and  focus on bringing more love, respect and honour into your relationships, and particularly your relationship with yourself, just imagine it for a start.

Now step this vibration into your business and other areas of your life………. And imagine ………..

If your business was driven from your love, from your heart centre.

What would your business feel like?

What would your business  look like?

What would your business  sound like?

What would happen to your Business?

How would you feel when working on your business?

How would your staff Be, in your Business, and what would happen to their relationships?  I mean, it wouldn’t trickle and domino on into their relationships would it?  I mean, you would want to feel responsible for them being happy little vegemites would you?

And, what would happen to your productivity?

And, what would happen to your stress levels?

All because of LOVE –

Yes, Love does make the world go around if we allow it.
Love is the Magic Connection



If you live in Perth, you are in Luck, On the 23rd of April 2014, we are commencing a 6 week (42 days in total) Love Coaching Program, to align you with your heart centre, to bring the Vibration of LOVE into every area of your life.

For details and rego. for early bird: The Love Connection Coaching Program 

Book now to grab your early bird, and come and join us on Monday evenings for The Love Connection, that life and business transformation you have been asking for.

One more question for you, what does Love mean to you?

With love and gratitude,


P.S. Have you registered for the free DNA Activation yet? or See further details on Face Book @ , including the Venue.  Booking is essential.

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Shivaya Reo