Dear Reader,

99 Days is the Magic Number to totally Slam Your Old Habits

… that is only if you are totally committed to make the change for yourself.

I have to confess, I really love helping people who are really committed to their purpose. They do not make pathetic excuses to stop them on their tracks. They know that the only people they are short-changing, is their family and themselves. Now, that can be a hefty cost don’t you think?

If you are a fence sitter that is OK, however, in doing so, take note to see what is happening for those who know that they are on a mission, and are committed to success. They will do what it will take to get the result to fulfil their passion, their purpose, their Why. They are soo much more than ‘just interested on the side line.’

For those of you who are in the game to be their ultimate, visit this link: to see what is required for you to start taking massive charge in your life.

It is great to find the right strategies that will keep you accountable to your own commitments, and it is absolutely important that know your ‘Why’ before hand. So my questions to you are;
“WHY would you complete our 99 Day Boot Camp” (1 hour a day starting on Monday)
“What do you plan to get out of it?”
“What is the difference that you have a Burning Desire to make?”
“How do you feel when you are making a real difference?”

You only have 2 Questions for yourself;
“Am I committed to fulfilling my life’s purpose?” or,
“Am I an observer, do I prefer to sit back on the couch and watch everyone else fulfilling their dreams?”

This will be a ripper of life changing program designed only for the committed, and those who wish to be kept accountable to their own targets.

To The Power Of Your Own Love,

Shivaya Reo

P.S. Yes it is this Monday 1st day of Spring at 6.30Pm, or at your for the leisure on-line. Booking is essential

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Shivaya Reo