Dear Reader,

I am gearing up for a much deserved holiday early next week. It is going to be interesting to see how I go at ‘just stopping,’ after being in top gear the last few weeks.

What do you do with your quality time?

When did you last go on a holiday, and how regularly do you give yourself that reward for all that you do?

We all need to stop and refuel from time to time, and it is important to schedule regular time out for you and your loved ones, in order for you to be able to ‘be all that you are in your business’ and life.

In knowing that a ‘Business will only ever be as great as the Business Owners Lowest Value,’ if you are not nurturing and feeding your soul, there will not be a lot of energy and vitality left for you business to perform at optimum.

Is quality time a high value of yours, or does it just keep being put off for another month?

Our ‘Relationship Workshop’ is humming along beautifully, with participants already really stepping up and raising their standards and Values, and taking a deeper ownership of their identity. I am really looking forward to seeing them transferring the Love, the Spirit, the Heart, the Passion, the Certainty and the Accountability into their businesses.

We will be running next 42 Day Coaching Program in Perth, starting in April, so keep your eyes open for the early bird.  – it will be worth grabbing.

Would it be of value to you to have more heart and spirit in your business, life and relationship?

With love and gratitude,


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Shivaya Reo