Dear Reader,

DNA ACTIVATION Free admission
Sat 8th March
Register for you free 30 min
DNA activation

Come along and join us for your free 30 min DNA Activation: Booking is essential; email Kathie at  with your name and mobile phone number, requesting your preference for morning or afternoon for your DNA Activation (this will be one on one process so booking absolutely essential.)

See further details on Face Book @ , including the Venue

This is a charity event, for the community, however you may choose to give a small donation to the “Spiers  Centre” charity we have chosen.

We would love you to share this with your friends, such a simple and effective way to raise your vibration, your consciousness, and create more ease and grace in your life.

Are you ready for a deeper connection into all that you are?

Would you love to take a giant step forward into Your Life, your Destiny, Your Divine Truth?

Then Check out our upcoming 6 week workshop “THE LOVE CONNECTION,” to transfer the love vibration into every area of your life.

Can you imagine a life with no, or very little Love energy?

And, can you imagine a business without a heart centre – now that would be an unpleasant environment to spend 8 or more hours a day, wouldn’t it? No heart, little spirit, and little love?

YOU are the Initiator; YOU, the One who can make the all important difference, even more especially if you are ‘The Boss.’ As in everything in life, as above = as below.

What if you attracted more Love into your life?

As the business owner, if you are lacking in integrity, then it stands to reason that is exactly what you attract more of into your business and life.

Is it time for you to make that difference yet?

Registration and details:  commencing 23rd April.

Please share with anyone who may be interested. We would like as many people as possible to share these events, to help with their own personal transformations in reconnecting with their truth, and to help them in their next stages in life …………And to step more into their light.

These events are upstairs; there is no lift, at Vivacious Living, Ardross/Applecross

Remember to register via email to for your 30 min appointment. We are all volunteers, so we have a wonderful group of people to support you and your journey.

Raising consciousness, and giving back to the community.

With love and gratitude,


P.S. Email by return if you are interested in our next Soul Mate Love Attraction / The Love Connection Coaching Program, (commencing on the 23rd April) to

“Like” “The Flow Coach For Entrepreneurs”, and be a part of our growing family of Entrepreneurs.

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Shivaya Reo