Or… is your life controlling You?
Activate Your Life – Perth  22nd Nov 2014 

Or…. Is your life running amuck……on it’s own course of destruction, like a ship without a rudder?

You do know that chaotic overwhelm feeling I am talking about don’t you?

If you could manifest what you really want, would you?

The problem lies right there; unfortunately most people have no idea of just how powerful their mind is, they do not realise that they have the power to change their DNA, even though it is now a scientifically proven fact!

Book your Activation: http://shivayareo.com/blog/dna-heartactivation/perth/ 

Yes, at the DNA & Heart Activations afternoons, we are assisting people to do just this, and we are having some phenomenal results – in fact, they just get better and better.

I have to say though, it is those who are consistently showing up, taking action, doing the inner and outer work, and taking responsibility for their own lives and their outcomes, that are receiving that are naturally receiving the best results.

Register your time: http://shivayareo.com/blog/dna-heartactivation/perth/ 

Because they are consciously taking their power back step by step.

They realise that if greatness is going to appear in their own life, they need to fully believe in themselves, and they need to take the appropriate actions, step by step, just like those in the Power of Love 99 day Boot Camp course are taking massive action. 

It does take courage to take this step, to really back yourself, however, there is no turning back once you do, because by then you know, that you have only just begun to tap into your true potential.

You do know there is more to you, don’t you?

DNA & Heart Activations are a $20 donation to Local Charities
Choose your time now, for this Saturday 22nd Nov in Perth


To The Power Of Your Own Love,

Shivaya Reo

P.S. Don’t forget to register today; http://shivayareo.com/blog/dna-heartactivation/perth/ and start to consciously create your life on your terms. Everything always starts with a first step.

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Shivaya Reo